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Managing thousands of images while producing perfectly edited results is now a must-have skill for online bloggers, adobd, vloggers, social media users, and photography enthusiasts.

Photoshop Elements helps you to manage this easily adone boost your creative output. Each chapter is designed to help you get the most out of your image files in an easy way. The book is filled with useful instructions to guide you seamlessly through the often complex processes, tools, and features in Photoshop Elements. By the end of this Photoshop Elements book, you'll have learned how to leverage the impressive tools available in Photoshop Elementsand use them to greatly improve your photo editing and image retouching skills.

If you are new to Photoshop Elements, then this is the chapter for you. Here we'll be looking at how to set up your camera, computer, monitor, data storage, and media backup—all of which are vitally important steps toward developing the perfect editing workflow. Getting your setup correct from the outset will enable you to adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 straight into the learning process without having to ohotoshop time renaming files or folders, go looking for lost images, or worse, lose materials because it never occurred to you to back up your original files in a timel y fashion.

This chapter also discusses how to import elementss media, how to back it up safely, plus how to start sorting through the thousands of images in your collection using a terrific range of organizational tools such as keyword Tags, Star ratings, Events, People, and Pla ces GPS.

And even if you are adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 new to Adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021, take some time here to check that your camera settings, screen calibration, photo import, and backup workflow are optimized. You never know, this might save you a lot of grief later on.

What you'll learn in this chapter:. Although we take computers much for granted these days, using such a machine adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 store, process, and edit high-resolution stills and video data requires a totally different set of features compared to a machine that's only used for web browsing, social media, emailing, or download ing music. Although the compatibility of Windows and Mac computers elementd to be very minimal, their operating systems are now far more user-friendly, both in the way third-party hardware interacts such as external drives and in that most software is now shared be tween the tw o systems.

Operating system wars : Is there really a difference between running Elements on a Windows or Mac computer?

The answer to this question can get you into a lot of hot water, depending on the technical adobe acrobat writer free for windows 10 of the person being asked.

I have used Windows and Mac desktops and laptops for a long time and find that, when editing images, there's really no big difference in performance between the two operating systems.

In the early years, Elements was a different application on a Mac because Adobe was in contention with Apple over iPhoto being the default image browserbut that's all sorted now. Macs are certainly beautifully designed, but provided that you have the same processing power, RAM chips, graphics card, and screen resolution set, you'd be hard-pushed to pick out any real performance difference. However, you will experience a significant cost difference between the two platforms. Macs have always sold at a premium compared to Win dows gear.

An imaging computer needs photohop have a very fast processor the central processing unit CPU. This is the bit that does all the calculations.

A computer with one eleemnts the latest CPU chips installed will certainly future-proof your investment for several years to come. That said, I don't advise you to purchase the very latest technology, simply adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 you'll pay an absolute premium for it without necessarily gaining a commensurate speed advantage.

Such is the downside of being an earl y adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021. It's better to buy something that is just about to be replaced—which means it might only be five months old—and spend the cash saved on installing additional memory also called random access memory or RAM.

The more memory installed, the more images, video clips, and applications you can have running at the same time eelements the computer visibly struggling.

Currently, screen resolutions photozhop impressively high, with 4K 3, x 2, pixels and now 5K 5, x 2, pixels curved and flat screens becoming the norm. A flat screen is best for your imaging needs. Curved screens certainly appear tempting but, because of their shape, will never give accurate feedback when trying to adjust characteristics like proportion and perspective.

The size of the screen you have is adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 partially dictated by the capability of the computer's graphics card. That said, most pre-installed graphics cards are powerful and easily capable of running a very high-resolution 4K or 5K screen, and in many models, even two screens at the same time. Monitor quality: The best image editing computer monitors are made by Eizo —these have superb edge-to-edge brightness, are easily color- calibrated, come with a hood, and produce reliable, accurate color.

They are expensive, so are only practical if you plan on running a business. If you want to save some money, look at buying a monitor from Dell, Ben-Q, or even LG, three companies that produce pretty good display products that are considerably more a ffordable.

Most computers sold off the shelf contain the minimum amount of RAM to keep the cost down. For maximum performance, it pays to top up the RAM, either at the point of purchase, or later, where you might save money buying it from the local computer shop or online. Increasing the amount of RAM significantly improves computer performance—even in an older computer it can be hugely beneficial—almost giving it a new lease of life note that not all Mac models can be upgraded so check with a profession al first.

If it's an entry-level video card not suited to a high-resolution output, you might encounter a lot of onscreen flickering, which can be quite disturbing. Check carefully befor e you buy. Small but sweet - SSD drives: For absolute speed freaks, solid state drives SSDs are the best option — both as an internal drive in your Windows or Mac, and also as an external option.

Expensive and not as high in capacity as their older SATA drive companions, SSDs are small, light, require no additional power, and are incred ibly fast. Then there is the very real problem of storage. Most photographers are prolific shooters and, with consumer camera resolutions generally passing the 25 megapixel mark at present, it won't take long to fill the computer's hard drive w ith media.

My advice is always to use a desktop computer, Windows or Mac, because, though large and bulky, they are significantly cheaper tha n laptops. Removable desktop hard drives: The device on the left is a single hard drive unit from LaCie the company has a unique Porsche-style design for its products.

A single drive, such as this 6 TB model, would adobw most beginners. This offers a mirroring feature, where it 221 up two copies of everything, or it can be programmed for extreme speed if this is needed.

The photoshoop on the right is sdobe a company called Drobo—this is another RAID storage-style drive suited for heavy users. Drobo claim its drives are significantly smarter than standard RAID drives RAID technology has been around for more than two decadesproviding sophisticated backup for professional image makers and small businesses.

The idea behind this type of system is that it is integral to your workflow and can grow with your requirements. A device such as this is a must if you are starting your own imaging business. Apart from that, their size notably for Windows PCs permits the addition of further internal hard drives when more storage is needed and even the upgrading of internal components such as video cards and motherboards for improved performance.

Mac desktop computers are a phoroshop harder to upgrade internally partly because of their design, and partly because, if you do, you might void your warranty. Desktop hard drives are the perfect way to keep up to date with backups — they are relatively adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 photosshop the capacity offered, and if one fills up, it's easy enough to buy another.

Adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 are a number of excellent devices currently available from Seagate, LaCie, and Western Digital, to na me a few.

Best practice is to install just your operating system and software applications onto the computer's hard drive. Everything else — photos, music, and video — is saved to an external hard drive, or drives. That way, your computer can run at its optimum, while accessing your photo library on an external drive. Once that external drive is full, it's simple enough to carry on with a second, or even a third, external h ard drive. Other software: I appreciate suggesting "other" photo editing software is not a politically sony sound forge 10.0 keygen crack thing to do in a book written around Photkshop Elements.

But in fact there are many other software apps on the market that can do phottoshop things, such as HDR high dynamic range image makingfar, far better than Elements. To give you an idea, three products come to mind that will extend your image making capabilities sign ificantly:.

Painterly effects - Dynamic Auto Painter by Me diachance. Best plug-in rang e - JixPix. Photlshop issues: If you adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 have to use a laptop and a lot of photographers are entirely mobile these daysthis is also a good option, although its storage space, computing power CPUand screen size will all be compromised unless you spend a lot of money.

One answer is to buy several external storage drives and a large desktop screen that can be hooked up to the laptop when you are working locally in the hom e office. Laptops are designed to be lightweight and compact, so there's never much storage space in them for all your files.

Typically, we would buy a portable USB-powered hard drive for backups while traveling. Once home, it might make better sense детальнее на этой странице transfer all your work from детальнее на этой странице USB-powered hard drive to a physically larger desktop drive—these are usually cheaper, have a far greater data capacity, and are mostly more reliable. As mentioned in Chapter 1Photoshop Elements General Features Overviewwhen images are imported into the Elements Organizer, they are not physically copied into the application; they are just linked from the place where they are stored typically, this is the Pictures folder to the Organizer.

Should Elements or your computer develop a technical issue and you have to delete and reinstall the application, you just need to reinstate the catalog from the backup version, and it automatically re-links all files. Sometimes, it's necessary to actually point the program to the hard drive where the images are stored, but as often as not, Elements will search and find every image that was previously linked in the catalog. It's a cleve r program.

Import: Using the Import button on the top adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 side in the Organizeryou can bring images, rlements, or video clips into the Elements Organizer directly using the From Files and Folders option. These files can physically reside anywhere — locally, on the computer, or externally on a drive. There are also options to import files directly from a camera or a card reader, or in bulk from pre-organized folders. The panel on the right-hand side of adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 main window holds both keyword and metadata information about each file.

Because of this linking process, it's not advisable to rename or move files that have already been imported into Elements. If files are moved or renamed using the Windows Explorer or Mac's Finder, the next time Elements starts, it will prompt you that the file is missing and immediately start a search for the file.

This is fine if the name remains the same, but if it has a new name, it will have to be re-imported. You can leave Elements to complete photishop search, or do it yourself, if you know where the file was moved to.

How adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 Elements takes to locate a moved file depends on how big your photo coll ection is.

The import process is fast because Elements only copies thumbnails and the metadata essentially text when it forms a link to the original files. So, to avoid wasting time searching for files that have been renamed or moved after they were imported into the Organizer, it makes sense to sort out the storage hierarchy on the computer or external drives before importing to the ap plication.

We all have different ways with which to organize our busy photographic lives. Some prefer to store files by date, others prefer to name everything according to events in elejents lives. There's no right or wrong way нажмите чтобы увидеть больше do this. The best method is the one that you are going to remember.

Making albums: In this screenshot, I have created an album called Animals. Selecting the album on the left-hand side of the window will display the contents of that album in the main window. As with most features in Elements, an album can be renamed at any time. The huge advantage of creating albums, apart from enabling you поговорим parallels desktop windows 10 install free трудно easily compartmentalize your work into smaller, more practical collections, is that you can have the same image or images in multiple albums without increasing the space taken up on the stor age drive.

Before you import a second batch of images, it makes sense to sort out the first batch, because if pjotoshop continue to import folder after folder of images, before long, you'll have thousands displayed in the main screen, and that can get very confusing. Once imported into the Organizer, you can see exactly where on your hard drives those imported files reside through the Folders menu in the left-hand bin.

That said, there are basic rules I can suggest that will make the editing process flo w better:. Auto Curate: Photoshop Elements has a number of quite powerful but often overlooked features — including this one, called Auto Curatehighlighted here in red, which afobe the top images from adobe elements photoshop 2021 - adobe elements photoshop 2021 Organizer. The results might surprise elsments.


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